In “The Crossing” Joy is pushed into military service with Gam Spadix, but she goes along willingly for… reasons. After enlisting, she discovers that out of 200-some mer-soldiers on active duty in Temple Eight, she is one of only three mermaids in the entire corp. Besides Joy, there is Officer Wrayray Spadix, and Officer Pam Dugong.
Pam is short and scrappy while Wrayray is a crack shot with a harpoon slinger. After some tussle and some rewards, the three ‘maids are moved outside into the Ples Corps. Pam’s trusty steed is a grey girl named Slinker, who has strong shoulders, an all-over gray hide, but has a butt like a blue speckled egg. Wrayray rides Emerald or “Em” for short. (Or “Emm-Mah!” if she’s being called.) Em is a pretty, bright green ples who can go fast, but is a little bit snobbish. All the n’aids at the Belt and Bra works agree that the three soldiers’ ples very much match their riders’ personalities. Wrayray would disagree as she’s not a snob or stand-offish like Em, she’s just quiet.
Joy, of course, rides Katy Ka, who is light green, brown, and yellow. More on her somewhere else.
Needless to say, the three soldier-maids and their team of Naiad friends go through some things… (as the saying goes) and they experience together one of the biggest events out of the entire TotM series. (Tease Plug Tease Plug Tease) This would be the culminating event of “The Crossing.” (Tease Plug) Which can be yours for the low low price of… idk… $17.00? $15…? I’ll go crunch the numbers.
(Officer Pam shown above. Officer Wrayray shown below)