Mollie is one of the “Color Guard” in Temple Eleven, Helical Energy Team 24-3 first floor. Kirka is team leader, Jen is about to turn into a mermaid, and Mollie is tight with Mia. Mollie and Mia plan to buy each other out of Display, if all goes according to plan. Which it does and doesn’t (no spoilers).
Mollie is very blue-hued. Darker blue, than Acara, but not always as all-encompassing – epidermically speaking. When her cheeks flush or she’s hot, she turns blue. Both Scolymia “Mia” Gourami and Mollie Gourami do their Gam proud and eventually develop stunning lowers and fans that compliment their overall aesthetic very well, very beautifully, thank you very much.
And yes, Mollie’s a singer. Quite a good one, in fact. Things aren’t terrible for Mia and Mollie after they graduate out of the Roller Tunnels. But they have to trade on their looks, to some extent. They get jobs at a night club, where Mollie sings and Mia dances with upper wealth Gam Fenaffle Mermen and Spadix Officers. The club has a roster of dancing girls. It’s not like brothel work, but they are paid to flirt… so things can get a little oily from time to time. The money’s good, though. Yup. The money’s good.
Honestly, Mollie, over the months, has become such a draw at the club that it affords her (and by extension, Mia) some say as to who or what gets into their business. The club owner is a bit of a mensch in that way.
Fun Fact: Musicians and singers have two repertoires at the ready. Singing out of water, and singing under water. Both “The Tank on Sixty” (Temple Eight) and “The Old Gastric Mill” (Temple Eleven) are equipped with air-filled glass boxes, vacuum tube amplifiers, small amounts of electricity, and resonators with which to project sound in multiple ways. (I’d try and render all that into cool pictures, but it would literally take me, like, four weeks – with or without AI – and that’s one rabbitfish-hole too many, to go down, at this time. I do have a cool sketch of a “Thunder Box” that I’ll mess with one of these days. – M)