Danio is Gattie’s second in command in the 24-5 hierarchy. She is the same age as Gattie, and together they have endured a lot. Tall and strong, when the roller mechanisms in the walls or floor beak down, Danio is the go-to repair woman.
Danio is also the team’s emotional core and big sister. Outwardly she “busts Acara’s proverbial nuts” but it comes from a place of trying to urge the girl to grow-up fast. Joy finds her warm and generous – seeing her aura as shafts of white and yellow.
Danio and Pootz, being equals, in a way, under Gattie’s leadership, have made for each other a “friendship” anklet, which is symbolic on many levels. Her leg pattern is that of interlocking rings of blue, green, and yellow that transitions to full lemon yellow at her feet. She considers it all a bit “loud” and as a result wears her hip wraps draped low. Dan is also perfectly happy that no one can see her feet on a regular basis due to the Temple’s floor water.
Joy finds Danio’s looks stunning and can’t help but imagine her back on Terra Firma as either an Olympic Volleyball captain, or the frontwoman of a glam 70’s Swedish rock band.
Marisol recognizes Danio’s value as well and is loathe to let any of 24-5’s team graduate to higher levels, she especially wants to keep her close and use her, perhaps with a new team, to continue her role as “Stable Goat.” (I’m not sure what the equivalent term would be in fish-terms. When I Google it, I find there is an actual Goatfish with cute whiskers. But that’s not really helpful.) *
However, a “Danio” is – as many of you probably know – a type of fish.

* After poking around a bit more, there are several types of aquarium fish that act as calming influences in their community. They are: Snails, the Kuhli Loach, Amano Shrimp, Twig Catfish, Threadfin Rainbowfish, and the perhaps ironically named Marbled Hatchetfish. (Souce: Aquaridise.Com)