In April 2020, Temple of the Mermaid was released with Books One and Two pressed into one volume. To minimize page count, the publishers and I – still intending to release the series as a Trilogy – pushed out the margins and shrunk the font by a point or two. We squeezed two 400 page books under one 550 page cover. Then the Pandemic arrived and scrambled everything. Using the isolation and weirdness time to finish and polish the series, I’ve decided to release each book as its own 400 or 500 page entity. Giving Laura her own book brings the total to 6.
The Temple of the Mermaid Series is Six Books.
If you purchased the 2020 printing, you have Books One and Two.
These quotes are from Amazon Readers and others who helped TotM come to fruition.

MarWa (5 of 5 Stars)
“Loved it!”
“Fun read. Well developed characters and alternate world. Waiting for next two books. Need more of this!! Guess I’ll just have to read this one again while I wait…”

Tim M G (5 of 5 Stars)
“A Fun, Sometimes Funny, Adventurous Read”
“Great concept with imaginative fantasy throughout. Creative, interesting, and well-developed characters. Looking forward to reading more about this world in the next two books of this trilogy.”
Mike (4 of 5 Stars)
“…When Joy, the MC gets to the other world things get interesting. The rest of the story remains a little confusing except it is a confusion that makes sense. Because the characters involved have no idea either what is going on with Joy and are trying to understand and make the best of it. I really enjoyed Joy’s odd character and all the friends she manages to make. Even many of the side characters were memorable. I felt sad and happy when they were.
My biggest complaint is that I enjoyed reading it and that the ending left me wanting more and it was clearly set up for that possibility or a use your imagination to guess what will happen next. Tough for me to do with Joy’s wildness and how serious the story got in ways I did not expect which made it all the better.
I do recommend reading this story and would like to say that Bosco was best boy.”

“I really fell in love with the action more than anything. Anytime Joy had to go all anarchist and sew chaos was my favorite!”
“I really enjoyed book 3 (The Crossing) and truthfully Joy does have a progression from hiding in the beginning to being out in the open and in everyone’s face. But she always retains that theme of wanting to help the other women. That’s her main redeeming quality in my opinion (and maybe a little that she’s kick ass).” – Kayla Schweisberger, Book Cover Artist/Beta Reader/Reviewer